mSpatial™. Experience immersion.
mSpatial™ is an innovative process developed by msm-studios that transforms old stereo recordings into an immersive (e.g. Dolby Atmos or Sony 360) listening experience.
mSpatial™ brings historical recordings immersively to life and gives classics a new sound experience at the cutting edge of technology.
The process virtualises the original acoustics of the recording location and is based on algorithms that process impulse and frequency response measurements of the original recording location.
With mSpatial™, our immersive sound engineers create the previously unheard: historical recordings as if you were right there in the concert hall. A sonic treat for every listener!
Based on the existing stereo mix, we bring music into three-dimensional space with the help of the original acoustics. This way, we elevate historical music events in particular into the immersive field without the need of multi-tracks. On request, we can now transfer the newly created immersive master into standard target formats such as Dolby Atmos or Sony 360 Reality Audio.
If a surround mix is available, there are even more possibilities in the creative design of the master. In particular, concert recordings or multi-channel masters based on SACD can be transferred into immersive audio with the spatial process and also played out in all common target formats.
Sound without compromise. The best results are achieved on a multi-track basis. Our sound engineers combine their artistic expertise in mixing with the mSpatial process to create sound events with unprecedented plasticity and emotionality.